
Reasons to Buy Dedicated Server Hosting

dedicated server host

1. Performance

Performance is one of the most influencing factors. Applications hosted on server have become bulkier and generate immense load. On a shared server, enterprise level applications may give very sluggish performance. This can have adverse impact on your business. Dedicated servers provide robust platform for hosting such applications.

2. Reliability

Dedicated servers are known to be reliable. Resources on your server are not shared with other businesses. Dedicates server hosting provides the best possible uptime and takes care of your hosting requirements.

3. Scalability

Hosting requirements may grow geometrically over the years. It is convenient to acquire additional space without opting for a new server or hosting provider.

4. Control

Dedicated servers give unlimited and unrestricted control to its end users. Authorized users not only get access to root and admin but they also have full control over the server configuration.

5. Bandwidth Availability

Bandwidth is not an issue. You assess your requirements and opt for a package which offers bandwidth suitable for your hosting requirements. You can periodically evaluate bandwidth requirements.

6. Heavy Traffic Severs

If your websites experience user traffic ranging from 150,000 - 1,000,000 page views or more per month then you must opt for dedicated server hosting. Dedicated bandwidth provides maximum responsiveness and reliability to cater heavy user traffic on your websites.

7. Secure Web Hosting Platform

The fact that it is not a shared server and only accessible to those authorized - makes it a highly secure web hosting option. All your resources are exclusively yours. You definitely find out that owning a server is better than sharing with several businesses.

8. Run complex Databases/CPU intensive applications

Dedicated servers provide CPU resources for hosting complex databases and applications which require large disk space, memory, and server grade CPU. You own rights over the server. Therefore you can direct all its resources to support such hosting requirements.

9. Windows and Linux based Dedicated Customizable Servers

There are either Windows or Linux dedicated servers. You can choose the one that best fits your hosting requirements. Opt for single, dual or quad processor for running Windows or Linux without any downtime worries. Both operating systems offer the same level of security. Windows based server is best for websites or applications developed on ASP or ASP. NET scripting platform, consuming Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL (MSSQL) databases. While Linux based server is preferred if your website and applications are developed using PHP and MySQL.

10. Off Premise Servers

Your hosting provider maintains servers at their big data centers that allow you to focus on your key business objectives. Managed dedicated server hosting provides safe, flexible and lightning fast hosting services. You do not need to worry about building hosting infrastructure within your premises which proves to be cost effective hosting solution.

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